Location: CBS, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada

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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

MP Recommends Rollback

This is a SNIP from John Gushue's Blog under "Roll back salaries, MP says":

Former solicitor-general Wayne Easter has strong advice for his former cabinet colleagues. Nancy Russell has more details from her blog tonight about the P.E.I. MP:
Malpeque MP Wayne Easter is calling on the Martin Cabinet to roll back "any financial gain made by managers over and above normal salaries as a result of the lockout" at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

"This lack of resolutions at the mediation talks," he writes to the ministers, " leads me to believe that at least one of the parties at the table is not really resolved to settling the issue."

This is a serious and positive step for the CBC employees which I support. If only our federal government MP's, of which Minister Easter is also a party, recommended a Roll Back for the wages associated with MP, Cabinet and Senate salaries, perhaps then we might meet the 0.7% to meet our country's goal for poverty, improve the Health Care systems, demontrate their knowledge that they are the only ones living with affordable quality of life, etc. You know I could go on and on about the programs and underfunding caused by overpaying themselves but the ravenous, glutonous Ottawa trough feeders know what I am talking about. Their ease of life is made possible by them consistently unethically voting for themselves a larger disparity in wages between themselves and the people to whom they are supposed to represent! It is a conflict of interest that they should have the right to set these wage levels. Why not "think outside that box" and Rollback YOUR wages my representatives. I mean come on, we pay for all your lunches and trips through expense accounts. Why do you need the base salary of 4 or more average Canadians?


Blogger Fred Harris said...

Oh priceless... I complain about these MP's and another cabinet minister (Volpe-Immigration) starts getting 'grilled' about his offices' sloppy expense account management!
Take you lunch in a bag or a thermos and stop spending our money on bullshit, lies and $500 meals!

Plus take a paycut Mr Minister's, you and your kind abuse our tax dollars daily! Payback the entire amount in question, you know that you have grafted, lied and actually eaten more thatn you deserve. Change the rules and STOP eating on our dime!!!!!

10:07 PM  
Blogger NL-ExPatriate said...

Thanks for voicing this opinion.

It seems everybody has taken cuts except the people who spend our money.

Maybe Ralph Klein would roll back the governments spending spree?

10:28 PM  
Blogger Liam O'Brien said...

The Liberal Part of Canada has gotten away with sheer bloody murder. While the armed forces of this country could be equipped with SAFE gear for a relatively small cost, the cabinet flies around in Challenger jets, the Cabinet decides to index the politicians' salaries to ridiculousously high levels, and they all part on the taxpayer's bill when it comes to the sponsorship mess. . .

Club grit has other benefits too -- HRDC, The Firearms registry debacle, RDAs, Industry Canada. Enough tax dollar bonfires to light up Chicago.

Meanwhile, we still have a half-trillion dollar national debt and some of the most punitive and ridiculous taxes and regulations in the G7/OECD.

10:54 AM  

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