MP Recommends Rollback
This is a SNIP from John Gushue's Blog under "Roll back salaries, MP says":
Former solicitor-general Wayne Easter has strong advice for his former cabinet colleagues. Nancy Russell has more details from her blog tonight about the P.E.I. MP:
Malpeque MP Wayne Easter is calling on the Martin Cabinet to roll back "any financial gain made by managers over and above normal salaries as a result of the lockout" at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
"This lack of resolutions at the mediation talks," he writes to the ministers, " leads me to believe that at least one of the parties at the table is not really resolved to settling the issue."
This is a serious and positive step for the CBC employees which I support. If only our federal government MP's, of which Minister Easter is also a party, recommended a Roll Back for the wages associated with MP, Cabinet and Senate salaries, perhaps then we might meet the 0.7% to meet our country's goal for poverty, improve the Health Care systems, demontrate their knowledge that they are the only ones living with affordable quality of life, etc. You know I could go on and on about the programs and underfunding caused by overpaying themselves but the ravenous, glutonous Ottawa trough feeders know what I am talking about. Their ease of life is made possible by them consistently unethically voting for themselves a larger disparity in wages between themselves and the people to whom they are supposed to represent! It is a conflict of interest that they should have the right to set these wage levels. Why not "think outside that box" and Rollback YOUR wages my representatives. I mean come on, we pay for all your lunches and trips through expense accounts. Why do you need the base salary of 4 or more average Canadians?
Former solicitor-general Wayne Easter has strong advice for his former cabinet colleagues. Nancy Russell has more details from her blog tonight about the P.E.I. MP:
Malpeque MP Wayne Easter is calling on the Martin Cabinet to roll back "any financial gain made by managers over and above normal salaries as a result of the lockout" at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
"This lack of resolutions at the mediation talks," he writes to the ministers, " leads me to believe that at least one of the parties at the table is not really resolved to settling the issue."
This is a serious and positive step for the CBC employees which I support. If only our federal government MP's, of which Minister Easter is also a party, recommended a Roll Back for the wages associated with MP, Cabinet and Senate salaries, perhaps then we might meet the 0.7% to meet our country's goal for poverty, improve the Health Care systems, demontrate their knowledge that they are the only ones living with affordable quality of life, etc. You know I could go on and on about the programs and underfunding caused by overpaying themselves but the ravenous, glutonous Ottawa trough feeders know what I am talking about. Their ease of life is made possible by them consistently unethically voting for themselves a larger disparity in wages between themselves and the people to whom they are supposed to represent! It is a conflict of interest that they should have the right to set these wage levels. Why not "think outside that box" and Rollback YOUR wages my representatives. I mean come on, we pay for all your lunches and trips through expense accounts. Why do you need the base salary of 4 or more average Canadians?