Location: CBS, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada

Not yet, they might be listening...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Watchdogs Around the Country

The following is some excerpts from one of my posts to Wallace MacLean's Labradore.

I am a diehard 'keep Canada together no matter what the cost' kinda guy.

I was and still am on a learning curve regarding both provincial and federal politics. I will form my opinions and arguments based on all the partisan crap espoused by reds, blues, oranges and greens. Good ideas for the whole of Canada and the provinces should NEVER be held hostage by any party attempting to push partisan agenda and issues of favouritism.

I pledge that I will:
1. try to play fair;
2. learn from history;
3. avoid name calling;
4. teach children about politics, ethics, fair play;
5. share information to empower people to make the best choices possible;
6. arrest hatred and do my best to stop hate crime;
7. protect the weak, disabled and elderly; and
8. Stop the abuse of our social systems and tax dollars by all.

Item 8 is designed to include government officials (white collar criminals) as well as welfare and other system abusers (blue collar criminals). The era of entitlement will need to get by watchdogs like me. It may sound Utopian but it will grow more rapidly than did these governments who abuse their positions of power.

Messieurs Harper and Emerson should be dismissed and enter bi-elections. Not just Emerson, Harper too! He compromised our trust the first day in office.

I will rant sporadically. It will be less about protecting politicians and more about protecting our country's collaborative effort with other countries to make the entire world accountable to a humane society towards people of the planet. I also support balancing the good treatment of the preservation of the creatures of the planet to their usefulness in our diets and the world economy.I hope I haven't given you too much information to digest...

My thoughts for now,



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