Pushing Political Buttons - NL & Canada

Location: CBS, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada

Not yet, they might be listening...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

MP Recommends Rollback

This is a SNIP from John Gushue's Blog http://johngushue.typepad.com/ under "Roll back salaries, MP says":

Former solicitor-general Wayne Easter has strong advice for his former cabinet colleagues. Nancy Russell has more details from her blog tonight about the P.E.I. MP:
Malpeque MP Wayne Easter is calling on the Martin Cabinet to roll back "any financial gain made by managers over and above normal salaries as a result of the lockout" at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

"This lack of resolutions at the mediation talks," he writes to the ministers, " leads me to believe that at least one of the parties at the table is not really resolved to settling the issue."

This is a serious and positive step for the CBC employees which I support. If only our federal government MP's, of which Minister Easter is also a party, recommended a Roll Back for the wages associated with MP, Cabinet and Senate salaries, perhaps then we might meet the 0.7% to meet our country's goal for poverty, improve the Health Care systems, demontrate their knowledge that they are the only ones living with affordable quality of life, etc. You know I could go on and on about the programs and underfunding caused by overpaying themselves but the ravenous, glutonous Ottawa trough feeders know what I am talking about. Their ease of life is made possible by them consistently unethically voting for themselves a larger disparity in wages between themselves and the people to whom they are supposed to represent! It is a conflict of interest that they should have the right to set these wage levels. Why not "think outside that box" and Rollback YOUR wages my representatives. I mean come on, we pay for all your lunches and trips through expense accounts. Why do you need the base salary of 4 or more average Canadians?

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Mr Efford, I'm still waiting...

In response to NL Outside the Box [confederation] Blog hosted by NL Ex-PatriateTopic: "Voice your concerns to your federal representative, employee!"
I have sent e-mails citing concerns to my MP John Efford and even received some (canned) replies from his parliamentary assistant B. James. Unfortunately, when I identified to them that the content of the responses did not satisfy my submissions, all contact was cut-off. I submitted other e-mails trying to re-instigate dialogue but to no avail.
They will not respond to anything so I had to create a blog. I have yet to touch on all the points which I submitted to Minister Effords’ offices in Bay Roberts and Ottawa but one of the issues, which I hope they address in the House this year on the very first session, is an issue which belongs to the Speaker of the House.
That is: Per the document that they sent me regarding the outbursts of members who do not have the floor should receive warnings and then be evicted if they do not relinquish the floor or act with courtesy in the house. It is reprehensible conduct and our tax dollars are wasted by the illegal "philibuster" tactics. If they wish to argue against or for in their turn, then is their time to argue or pass comment. This continued illegal yelling, noisemaking and childishness have no place in our House of Commons!
Grow-up and earn your keep as adults within the law of our country’s procedures.
I have reposted this on my own blog.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

GAS & Incentives to Buy Greener Cars!

Question: Why is that Ontario's Provincial Government provides a $1,000 tax break/rebate, BC's provides $2,000 and PEI's $3,000 to people who purchase qualifying "green" hybrid new generation cars?
Answer: These provincial governments have recognized the importance of supporting the inevitable transition to environmentally friendly modes of transportation and are encouraging the people of their provinces (including themselves) to buy these cars ASAP improving the chances of survival for our planet.

Newfoundland & Labrador should receive at least the PEI level incentive and more.

Our government is unfairly pricing in the different areas of our province with different gasoline, oil, home heating, etc. prices and a stop to these practices are required immediately! Over $1.75/litre in Labrador! It is bad enough that there is such disparity from the prices in the rest of Canada compared to here in St. John's but the provincial government must stand up and lower the prices for the whole province to be equal to those prices in Ottawa.
These ongoing Monopolistic Oil Company and Taxation practices supported by Canada and then further abused by the provinces is crushing Blue Collar workers and seriously threatening 90% of the population in NL We cannot with stand these gas prices living on $10.00/hr much less minimum wage. Nobody will be able to afford to go to work!

Question: What happens if the people of NL cannot afford to go to work?
Answer: Increased stress, illness, family break-downs, welfare, fraud, violence and crime!

This is your wake-up call. Act now or lose the peace. Anarchy is brewing and nobody wants that.

These are just the bare minimum responses required by the PC provincial government or any other party who has designs to step-up to try to rebuild this province... Stop hoarding and trying to figure out how the next raise for government will go through without easing the burden of the entire province!