Pushing Political Buttons - NL & Canada

Location: CBS, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada

Not yet, they might be listening...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Gomery should have RCMP Options

I hope like hell that when Justice Gomery comes to his conclusions, as a judge and citizen of Canada living a comfortable life as a taxpayer in a lifestyle provided primarily by taxpayers, he is able to force the abusers of our money to pay it back. Even if they don't go to jail, they should pay it ALL back! They should also pay for the entire Gomery Inquiry and the costs encountered by the Auditor General of Canada.
Lay down the gauntlet, teach these sponsorship abusers at all levels to respect our tax dollars and to use them for CANADA and not their pitifull self-serving existences. They are already paid too much and maintain a lifestyle far above the "mean average" of people who work far harder than they. It is a travesty if they get away with stern tongue lashings and slaps on the wrists.
The Liberal party must also step forward to admit their wrong doing for them to ever stand a chance in Canada's future. The worse thing that has happened in my lifetime of following Canadian politics is that the watchdogs haven't been able to punish the unethical people who commit travesties against our country, which have been so blatently uncovered, recorded, noted, proven, etc.
Gotta go to work and EARN my living now...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Excuse Me, I'd Like a Response Mr. Efford

Yes, aggravated enough to create my own Blog. I thought I could get enough blogging on www.fairdealfornewfoundland.com which I totally support every direction Kevin has gone to date but it goes to sleep between issues and thrusts. I need more anger directed in letters to elected officials who aren't acting on behalf of their contituencies. Wake up out there and fight the good fight!

Over the next few months (or until my wife catches me with my own Blog) I will bring the issues covered in 3 or 4 very lengthy e-mails from me to Liberal Minister John Efford's offices in Ottawa and Bay Roberts, NL. I will also post the responses and the mailings that I received. To say the least, I am disappointed. Early indications to me were that Ms. B. James, parliamentary assistant to Mr. Efford and the female voice in Bay Roberts, would be pleased to satisfy my requests.

I did receive answers but they were the type of responses I would have expected from an insurance company or the Department of Veteran Affairs after making a claim. Brushed off without so much as a, "How do you do?"

I want ranters and critical thinkers to help me push the political buttons for Newfoundland & Labrador, other provinces (I am originally from Ontario), and most of all I want to push the buttons of ALL politicians to make our federal Canadian Government act responsibly with honour and accountability! I want teams of watchdog activists, aggressively demanding action and answers when ignored the first few times. I want the ignorant unaccountable politicians recalled and ousted in by-elections forced by the people! I want MP's to work for our country and not for themselves or their gluttonous parties and industrial friends of parties. It is my hope and goal to bust these parties by getting everyone to vote INDEPENDENT.

These partisan political thrusts and tirades have no place in governing our country. If it only takes 51% to form a separate country, then it should only take 51% to vote in the new Atlantic Accord! This unanimous drivel allowing one person or one party to bloc legislation is inappropriate. Pass C-43 and enact the ACCORD before summer break. You should not even get a summer break if this action is not settled. Why do you get a break at all? After this past 6 months of bickering we want the Accord passed now!

Bring it on, I'm up and kicking

Fred from CBS